Today is  Friday 26th Jul 2024   ~ a better place to be 

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Colin says: Like the poor... the thoughtless will always be with us.

Parking against dropped kerbs should not be a hanging offence - but, like speeding - it should be an offence for which points can be awarded against a person's licence. It should also be an offence for which photographic evidence provided by a member of the public is deemed sufficient. there are nowhere near enough traffic wardens patrolling the streets to make the chances of this particular type of social offender being caught a serious deterrent, but if they knew that a photograph taken by a passer by was sufficient to get them three points on their licence perhaps they might just make an effort to re-learn the highway code.

Parking against a dropped kerb is already illegal - it is just not a crime that is considered worth persuing.
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< terrible --- excellent >
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Walney Isle ~ a better place to be