Today is  Tuesday 22nd Oct 2024   ~ a better place to be 


Access Audit Videos

Our mission is to radically improve disabled access to as many of Barrow's scenic walks and country footpaths as possible.

After months of stalled negotiation unlawful architechuiral barriers installed by Natural England and actively supported by Barrow Borough Council led directly to the malicious and successful prosecution for criminal damage against the web site creator for excercising his right to access equality as defined in the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 by cutting a wire fence and mitigating a dangerous step in a grass footpath which had already previously once tipped him off his movility scooter. The successful prosecution was facilitated by the denial of proper legal representation by his legal council which even extended to them failing to make his video evidence abailable to the court of the day of the trial and sacking the individual solicitor concerned for daring to speak out against a court which failed miserably to uphold the preseident already set in a case where it was ruled completely lawful to remove a man made barrier which was denying lawful access.

Those who played an active role in the denial of legal access and the malicious prosecution include Natural England, both officers and councillors within Barrow Borough Council, Cumbria County Council officers and councillors, BAE Systems, a prominent local firm of solicitors, and Barrow Magistrates and court officials, amongst others.

The remainder of the Access Equality pages on this web site clearly demonstrate the ways in which Access Equality was denied and what I did about it. They will also shortly be making available to the public at large all email comminications between the author and the protagonists which are hereby placed in the public domain as a permanent record of the way those in authority are perfectly willing and able to act collectively against a private individual who dares to speak out against their discriminatory tactics.


< terrible --- excellent >

Click here for the Love Barrow Equal Access Campaign
Equal Access Campaign


Walney Isle ~ a better place to be