Colin says: Run-off from the slag banks trickling into Walney Meetings.
DL says: This is the location of the old Cocken Tunnel. When the slag bank started to grow in the 1850s and 60s, the ancient right of way betwen Walney and Dalton, via Cocken village, was preserved by covering the path and creating a tunnel. The right of way was a "corpse road" used for taking bodies for burial at Dalton, in whose parish Walney used to lie until the mid 19th century. The road ran from Cocken, over the hill through Hawcoat Village, and then on to Dalton. When the slag back was reduced about 10 -12 years ago, the tunnel was removed, and the footpath follows the line of the "valley" that was consequently created. What appears to be two slag banks is actually two sections of the same structure, although they are now separately owned.