Colin says: Access Denied by overgrown vegitation ...
Another case of lack of maintenance which hinders able bodied and disabled users alike.
Overgrown paths such as this are awkward enough to negotiate when two people attempt to pass one another other on foot. How much worse then when one of those people is on foot and the other is excercising their perfectly legitimate right to use the same footpath on a mobility scooter?
The snicket shown also happens to be the only way around the two flights of steps which prevent access to the chanelside walk from the college buildings at the start of Red Man's Way.
The solution (in some areas at least) could be surprisingly simple. Why not call for disabled scooter-owners themselves to motitor the accessible footpaths in their area and perhaps offer them the use of a hedge trimmers with which they can clear the vegitation on their patch? Many disabled people would be only too happy to be of service to their communities in this and similar ways. We don't want to be an inconvenience to you. We don't want you to resent our presence and see us as nothing but a burden. Some of us may even be downright grateful for the opportunity to put some small thing back into our communities for a change!
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